Thursday, December 9, 2010

Rainy morning blues

Since the beginning of Fawee's SPM, we began travelling back and forth her school for breakfast and lunch time, bringing packed home delicacies for her. Me and Dila (Ms ID) are assigned to dispatch lunch, because it's impossible to wake us up in the morning.

So both of us driving amateurs take turns driving over, me driving to and Dila driving back home. It was all prudent and safety-first driving till I get too comfortable behind wheels.

One day I was driving with Abang, and how terrified he is all the way in the 15-minute journey. I sped till 80 km/h driving in a zigzag motion through the narrow and crooked jalan kampung and I even took over a bus. I can see he had weak knees, literally. Baba told him, "that's the way how you would drive", so I was spared the tongue-lashing. Heh, maybe it was desperation to show him that I can drive. Next time I'll use blindfold.

Fawee finished her SPM yesterday. Me and Dila went over to pick her stuffs up, including one AF bag, a box of books and a book rack. She sure knows how to utilize us. You know how it is when we are packing up, we stumbled on those nostalgic stuffs and start reminiscing. So 30 minutes work extended to two hours. Dry, clean clothes were stained by sweats and make-ups being rubbed onto.

Now my room looks like a warehouse selling pirated CDs.

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