Friday, December 31, 2010

As long as it doesn't kill you

Wow 31st of December! It's already been half day through and I still haven't gone out from the comfort zone of my room and dining table. Still, I'm not the laziest one around, because Fawee is still tucked in bed. We laid three bedsheets on her in an attempt to wake her up, hoping to see her all sweaty and flustered because of the heat. Two hours later, she's still hell-bent on holding her fort.

Lately, my weight shoot up again. Looking back, I started gaining unreasonable extra weights when I was 14. I befriended a very nice person back then, and we often go for recess together. I ate what she ate, same food and portion too. Maybe it was the in-thing to do back then, copying your friends. One thing that never crosses my mind was how fast I started to imitate her large stature. Soon after, I adopted big portion of meals daily.

It's been 9 years since I've been living under the label of 'the fat friend'. So it doesn't come as a surprise that my new year resolution will be 'stop working in food industry'. Temptation here is crazy! or at least, 'shed off 12 kilos, one per month'. Yeah, that sounds decent.

Good luck to you and your new-year resolution/s!

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