Friday, October 29, 2010

Jism? How in the world to pronounce it?

It's the newest gadget in da house. Mama had been eye-ing this electrostatic therapy machine for quite some time. It claims to be able to get rid bad cells in the blood and steer the user away from illness, such as cancer(but if you already suffering from one, you are forbid to use this! because there's possibility it will exaggerate the malignant cells, so they say) and headache (this is what appeals to Mama, since Rayzo has an issue with his headache now and then). And some other benefits, which I'm too lazy to type them down. Click for more info.

We had it since last Monday, and last night was the first time I used it. Admit it, the word 'electric' sends chills to the bone no? :O so after 30 minutes of therapy, not only I feel energized, but also there's significant change to my physical.

Kidding xD

It takes time, everything does. I believe that's the way things should be, so that the good effect will prolong. So what was the immediate result? I burped a lot, passed gas a lot and my mouth became dry, just like what those al-Jabbar (the company who imported the machines from Japan) guys told us beforehand. Well I'll start using it regularly, and hope I'll have a peace of mind after spending RM 5 500 for the machine.

p/s: apart from the toxic being omitted by gas, pimples will also pop up as a result of dislodging oily matter. Is it still worth it? *sweating palms*


aliaaroslan said...

1) can you change to a pop-up comment box instead of this style? - sebok aje kan.
2) pimples? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Momoe said...

1) owh no problem, small matter :D

2) takot kn?

aliaaroslan said...

i've got less and less pimples here. wanna come? hihi

Momoe said...

i have to deal with my high-sugar diet 1st, or else even the freshness of sherwood forest cant help me :D